Our First Step is Unity
Helping individuals, businesses & organizations take a step towards a better world.
We invite you to be a part of perfecting & executing the plan to build a better society.
We CAN build the world we want to live in!
Here we are compiling basic information that lays out some of our formula for creating a better world,
self reliant & free from the influence of entities that would seek to curtail our freedom & profit from the work of others.
Following is a summary of our plan. A more detailed explanation with visual aids will be coming soon.
Please consider volunteering time or resources to help us move along more rapidly.
1. Unity: That's the first step.
Supporting one another's efforts is crucial in creating visible change in our society
Big money is not behind us, our power is in our numbers & our ability to work together.
On this site we have a links page,
help us build it by emailing us links to individuals & group projects that are creating positive change in our world. This is a huge step in the right direction. As our links page grows it will become a resource for those wishing to get involved. It will consequently serve to move these efforts forward & into the light.
Send your links to freeheirloomseeds@gmail.com, we will review & post them on our links page.
We organize & catalog our efforts here & also offer an "Action" page.
This is where we will post volunteer opportunities, ideas for action you can take in your own community & other calls to action.
Further supporting unity & the progress of those working for change.
More Unity! We aren't just getting together, organizing & taking action online.
We also have a festival tour planned!
The events we promote & participate in are designed, not only to be fun & entertaining, but also to help us nurture & finance sustainable infrastructure in the communities we serve. This is a place to physically connect with individuls & organizations that are making a difference, in a fun & festive environment.
Unity is the key & continues throughout our efforts.
One of the key steps in changing our world is to unite our buying power.
We currently offer a not for profit, wholesale to the public, food distribution service.
We are uniting with & encouraging the formation of natural food/products buying clubs.
This will help us lower the overall cost of living & create a distribution system that will rival Amazon.
The big difference is that instead of making one person rich, the small operating profits we gain are put back into the community. It doesn't stop with food & household products.
As our distribution system & fiscal power grow we will be building our own energy grids, fuel systems & telecommunications network.
Did you know, the taxes we pay for internet service alone, are enough to provide free internet to everyone in the country? It's crazy, but true. The exploitation of average people will be stopped with community driven resource distribution.
It all boils down to a higher quality of life for everyone, and it doesn't stop there.
As we grow we will begin to replace corporate commodities with those locally produced.
For example, if our local coop set back the money made from selling toilet paper we could eventually invest in manufacturing it locally, with recycled materials.
This would - 1. create jobs 2. reduce pollution & prices from transporting the toilet paper as well as unclean manufacturing & packaging practices 3. Create a greater level of security in our communities. By manufacturing & storing commodities locally we are free from supply chain disruptions & corporate price fixing
This sort of independence & security can be applied to many different things as we localize our manufacturing base.
Localizing also gives us the power to ensure ethical manufacturing practices & fair wages.
To help facilitate all of this we are building community centers around the world that not only produce food,
but offer public access to massive root cellars as well as food processing facilities, such as canning, dehydration & product manufacturing.
Every community should have a root cellar. This is national security.
Every community should have a warehouse of locally produced goods on hand to combat emergency & limited supply. This is national security.
Every community should have a recycling center that turns paper waste into toilet paper. This is national security.
But it goes much farther than that. With our tech pool we are producing an online marketplace for ther people.
Imagine if Amazon was owned for the people? Billions of dollars set aside for the welfare of the general public could raise your quality of life exponentially.
Don't beg politicians for help, that wont work, it never has.
We can do this. we can beat them at thier own game, because we have 2 things they don't have. Unity & purpose.
In addition to development of local resources & online marketplaces, our community centers will also offer public access recording studios & art centers to help us reach the next level of human potential.
So much beauty is lost in the struggle to survive & We are setting out to reclaim it.
The next level of my program is education & ability.
We will teach people how to start sustainable businesses in thier communitites & help them to develop their markets, through development & research of local needs & markets.
We will provide low interest financing for organic farms & sustainable producers, which will be secured by regional contracts for food or resource production.
We will also provide low or no interest loans for people swithcing to sustainably produced local energy.
In many cases it could be free & actually save the consumer money to switch over to personally generated electricity,
using solar or other sustainable means.
Through the availability of financing & a direct market we will expand local production abilities, growing local economies, reducing pollution,
creating real national security, increasing planetary health & cutting out the middlemen that are wreaking havoc on our economy & our ecosystem.
Our education system will go much farther, we will develop sustainable packaging & then push for a moral responsibility to use sustainable packaging & a widespread
campaign to show non sustainable packaging & other practices for what they truly are. Poison to our lives.
The next step in this community outreach is community development.
Creating togetherness through uniques events, that not only support this program, but the development of a more just economy & a loving society.
People need to know they are not alone.
We are working together to achieve a fundamentally better life for all. People need to feel our love, & they will.
This is just a glimpse into the world I am building, much more to come.
Step Up - Take Action
You can't get somewhere without moving towards it.
Complaining about problems is not going to be what solves them.
Real measurable progress on an acheivable plan is the key to creating lasting change.
We have a plan & it all adds up. The math is clear.
We can live healthier, happier, more abundant, creative & free.
All decent humans want the same basic things & now we join together & create a world that offers those things.
We invite you to take the first step on the path to a better world.
All material contained on this website is subject to copyright 2020 & forward.
No part of this site or it's contents may be duplicated without permission of the owner.